Form Validator

The form visible to the user includes HTML and Javascript features so that when form input fields are completed they are checked to ensure valid formats have been input.


The form validator checks the following:

  • Input fields have been completed
  • Minimum and maximum character limits on full name input
  • Telephone number input has only numerical characters
  • Telephone number input has length of 11 characters
  • Email address input includes a '@'' character.
  • website input begins with http:// or https://
  • password inputs include at least one uppercase, one lowercase and one numerical character
  • password and confirm password fields match each other
Much of the form validator's features happen in the background and are not visible to the user.
Input fields which are not valid have a red border
When valid data is input into the field the border of the field changes to green.
Message field displays "Passwords do not match" message with a red border if password and confirm password input fields do not match.
Message field displays a "Successfully registered" message with green border when all input fields are validated.
Completed Date: 16 August 2024
Languages: HTML, CSS, JS
Libraries/APIs/Third party tools:
Course Details: Udemy: Javascript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio.
Link to Course Details: View Course details
Course Instructor: Andrei NeagoieJacinto Wong Zero to Master Academy
Comments: There are no known bugs which require fixing.
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